India-based esports tournament organizer Skyesports announced Wednesday that it has partnered with smartphone maker TECNO Mobile to serve as the title sponsor for the Skyesports Champions Series (SCS). The 10-day Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) tournament will feature a total prize pool of Rs. 25,00,000 ($30.5K USD).
The SCS BGMI semi-finals stage recently concluded with 24 teams competing for the 16 spots. Those teams are: Team Soul, GodLike Esports, Revenant Esports, Orangutan Gaming, Blind Esports, Obey Esports, Insane Esports, Gladiators Esports, Medal Esports, OR Esports, Team Misfits, 7Sea Esports, Velocity Gaming, Gods Reign, Reckoning Esports, and Team VST.
The finals began on Wednesday and will continue until June 18. Additionally, Skyesports plans to host an awards ceremony celebrating the top teams in Bangalore on Aug. 27 (details on that are to be announced).