Epic Games announced that characters from the popular animated show Futurama have made their way into Fortnite this week. In addition to new outfits inspired by Futurama characters Bender, Fry, and Leela, new items have also been added to the Item Shop, and new challenges into the game. Futurama is a sci-fi comedy series created by The Simpsons creator Matt Groening that first aired on Fox Networks (It was canceled, became popular on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, was brought back by Fox, eventually canceled, again and then revived on Comedy Central).
New items and outfits include the Bender Bending RodrÃguez Outfit, Bender alt style, Ben RodrÃguez Back Bling, and the Unbendable Girder Pickaxe; the Philip J. Fry outfit, Universe 1 Fry alt style, Hypnotoad Back Bling, and the Giant Nutcracker Pickaxe; and The Turanga Leela Outfit, Universe 1 Leela alt style, Nibbler Back Bling, and the Solid Gold Fiddle Pickaxe. Also available in the shop, the Planet Express Ship Glider and Zoidberg Scuttle Emote.
Also available on the new Island ‘til v25.30, Bender’s Shiny Metal Raygun can be found on the ground, or purchased directly from him. The weapon allows players to fire an infinite supply of plasma with this weapon, but requires a cooldown period in order to avoid it overheating. There are also other items such as the Mammoth Pistol, the Pistol Recycle Reality Augment, Desperate Reload Reality Augment, the Scoped Salvo, Lever Action Shotgun, and the Firework Flare Gun.
More details on this latest content release featuring Futurama can be found on the Fortnite blog.