Riot Games announced Thursday that its Social Impact Fund, which gives money from the sales of game-related products to charities chosen by the community, raised $6M USD by the end of 2022.
In December, Riot asked the community which charities should receive a portion of the fund, and now they have officially been selected. Funds were generated from purchases of the League of Legends track “Star Guardians” or through the Valorant “Give Back Bundle.” The chosen charities were the result of more than 775,000 votes from players all around the world (the voting campaign was in partnership with GlobalGiving).
Three different nonprofits were available for voting in each region (across 28 regions), with the top vote-getter in each region chosen getting 50% of the country’s pool of funds, with the other two receiving around 25% of that fund. Riot said that every organization would receive at least $15K in funding.
Those charities, by country are (in order of the top vote-getter first, followed by the runner-ups):
- Argentina: Fundación Integrar, Fundación TierraVida, Fondo de Mujeres del Sur
- Australia: Rainforest Rescue, Foodbank Australia, Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation
- Brazil: Vaga Lume, Instituto Revoar, Think Olga
- Canada: Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada, New Relationship Trust, Good To Be Good
- Chile: Cultiva, América Solidaria, Fundación Semilla
- Colombia: SOLE Colombia, Asociación Cultural Femenina, Fundación Óyeme
- France: Laurette Fugain, Solidarité Formation Médiation (SFM) Clichy, Safe Place
- Germany: Tafel Deutschland e.V., NABU, Gaming-Aid e.V.
- Greece: Sporos Regeneration Institute, Irida Women’s Center, Lesvos Solidarity
- India: Teach For India: Mann Deshi Foundation, The Opentree Foundation
- Indonesia: Saya Suka Membaca, Yayasan Kemanusiaan Ibu Pertiwi, Planet Indonesia
- Ireland: Jigsaw, Teen-Turn, CoderDojo Foundation
- Italy: Fondazione Soleterre, Chayn Italia, L’abilità Associazione Onlus
- Japan: Academy Camp, Japan Institute for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Civic Force
- Malaysia: The Borneo Project, Persatuan Harapan Mulia, Fugee: Liberty to Learn Berhad
- Mexico: Pronatura Noroeste A.C., Pasitos Centro Psicopedagógico, Mano Vuelta A.C.
- New Zealand: KidsCan, WAI Wānaka, RainbowYOUTH
- Peru: Enseña Perú, Camino Verde, Asociación Grupo de Trabajo Redes
- Philippines: Young Focus, Haligi ng Bata, Inc., FundLife
- Poland: Szlachetna Paczka, Fundacja PODAJ DALEJ, Wonder Foundation
- South Korea: Korea Science Service, Korea Green Foundation, Korean Association for Safe Communities
- Spain: Apadrina la Ciencia, Aldeas Infantiles SOS de España, Fundación Querer
- Taiwan: Bright Side Projects, Modern Women’s Foundation, Taiwan Digital Talking Book Association
- Thailand: Siam-Care Foundation, Pratthanadee Foundation, Concordia Welfare and Education Foundation
- Turkey: Türkiye Eğitim Gönüllüleri Vakfı, Buldan Eğitim ve Dayanışma Vakfı, Kadın Emeğini Değerlendirme Vakfı
- United Kingdom: Drive Forward Foundation, PeaceJam, Rosa Fund
- United States: World Wildlife Fund, Take This, Raising a Reader
- Vietnam: Kidspire Vietnam, Rock-Paper-Scissors Children’s Fund
Riot noted that because one charity dropped out the two remaining organizations in Vietnam would split the funds equally.